Adult Protection is everyone’s business

All NHSL employees have a Duty to Cooperate and must report and record any concerns, suspicions or disclosures made by or about any adults who may need support and/or protection under the Adult Support & Protection Scotland Act 2007.

Never dismiss your information as being unimportant or trivial…. it is very important and may be the crucial part of the full picture.

The person at risk must be over 16 and meet all 3 points of the following definition.

         3 Point Criteria

 Point 1 - Unable to safeguard their rights, well being, property or other interests

Point 2 - At risk of harm (including self harm)

Point 3 - Affected by a disability, mental disorder, illness or physical or mental infirmity

  NB. Police Scotland must be informed if a crime has been committed.

It is very important to note that at the point of referral to the social work department capacity does not need to be evidenced & consent is not required.

Recognising harm

Never Assume that:

·        It was a one off

·        Someone else will report it, or

·        It’s not your business


·        clarify the facts of a situation

·        Determine where you can find out more

·        Take information forward

Recording harm

Staff should look, listen and record any signs of harm, including:

·        Unusual or suspicious behaviour by client or carer

·        Changes in personality

·        Delay in seeking advice for injuries

·        Over frequent/inappropriate referrals to outside agencies

·        Misuse of medication

·        Sudden increase in confusion

·        Unexplained physical deterioration


Reporting harm

Every NHS employee has a duty to report concerns about an adult they suspect or believe to be at risk to the patients area social work service. Staff must:

·        Contact appropriate area social work by phone to alert them of your concerns

·        Check NHSL electronic messaging systems for adult alerts

·          If the person does not reside in Lanarkshire it must be reported to one of our area social work services

·          Follow Adult Support & Protection flow chart .Submit AP1 form. Send the original to the social work dept concerned , a copy to NHSL coordinator and place a copy in the patients case notes.

The patients area social work service will inform you if an Adult Protection Plan is in place. This details:

·        Action to be taken

·        Responsibilities

·        Changes and/or details of support

·        How best to support

·        On-going risks and future risk management

·        Monitoring and Reviewing

·        Contact Person