How can this Act help you?
Most adults are able to live their lives safely. However, for some, their ability to keep safe and protect their wellbeing, rights, property and finances will be more of a challenge.
Thankfully, there is legislation to help and support people who find it difficult to protect themselves.
This is called the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007.
The following are some examples of conditions which may make someone more at risk of being harmed:
- have a mental illness or form of dementia;
- are an older person (over 65 years old);
- have a physical disability;
- are frail;
- have a learning disability;
- have sight problems or are blind; or
- have hearing problems or are deaf.
Everyone has the right to feel safe and be safe. The law makes it a duty for people from different organisations to report harm if they think someone is treating you badly. The law also makes it a duty for everyone to share information if they are worried about someone being harmed.
Someone might be:
- hurting you;
- not giving you food or medication that you need;
- taking your money;
- touching you in ways you do not like;
- making you have sex when you do not want to;
- frightening you; or
- making you unhappy in other ways.
You do not have to put up with anything that makes you feel worried or unsafe.
Remember, if you, or someone you know is finding it difficult to keep safe, it is important you tell someone about it. Please use the contact numbers above to report your concerns.
click here for Getting help to avoid harm leaflet
click here for Pocket Guide - Public Information leaflet
click here for Information for those involved in the Adult Protection process leaflet
Consultation to seek views from across Scotland
New standards to give people the right to high-quality health and care services have been published for consultation today.
The standards will provide a framework for all health, social work and social care provision in Scotland.
They are being extended to all health and care services - from hospitals and care homes to care at home for adults and children’s day-care services.
The standards set out what people can expect when they use health and social care services and will be used by the Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and other scrutiny bodies during their inspection processes.
For more information click here
To offer your views, please click here
Act Against Harm – New adult protection information video
Click here to see this