Employee information

The support and protection of adults at risk is the responsibility of everyone, including members of the public, professionals, all statutory agencies, public bodies, voluntary and private providers. Therefore effective communication and joint working is key to the prevention of harm.

The opportunity for harm is reduced by making sure that adults are empowered and supported to make their own choices about their lives and to live as independently as possible.

The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 gives councils and in particular Social Work Resources lead responsibility for inquiring and investigating into the circumstances of adults at risk who are being harmed. Employees of the named bodies, such as Police, NHS staff and the Council, have a duty to report their concerns to social work if they know or believe an adult is at risk of harm. 

It is therefore important that all council employees and the employees of other public bodies named within the Act, whatever their role and responsibilities, understand that preventing harm and taking action to deal with it is an important part of their day to day work.

The message is if things don't feel right – Don’t ignore it – Report it!



Act Against Harm – New adult protection information video

 Click here to see this